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Legendary Life Blog

Unstoppable After 40: The Superfood You Should Be Eating Now, How To Maximize Your Gym Results In Less Time, And How Eating Healthy Can Be Unhealthy

Today’s issue is brought to you by Unstoppable After 40 Masterclass. In this training, we reveal the super (but effective) 5-step process our high achieving clients […]

Ted Talk 202: Why You Stress Eat and How To Stop

We must eat to survive. But most people, when they’re under a lot of stress, eat to ease emotions. In this Ted Talk episode, Ted explains how to break out of the stress-eating cycle. Plus, practical strategies help you lower your stress levels to finally stop reaching for the cookie jar whenever you feel stressed.

563: Simplifying Food Tracking: How To Count Calories Without Getting Obsessed with Ted Ryce (Part 1)

In today’s world, the internet is filled with advice on avoiding overeating. But let's face it: these are often quick fixes that don't yield long-term results. we know these are just quick trick that does not work long-term. In this episode, Ted Ryce will reveal the what, why, and how to lose weight by tracking your food. Tune in to listen to this first part, and on Friday, we will release part 2, where Ted shares his five-step system to simplify food tracking.

Unstoppable After 40: When Eating Healthy Is Unhealthy, Perfection Vs Consistency, And How To Stop Shoulder Pain From Ruining Your Workouts

Today’s issue is brought to you by Unstoppable After 40 Masterclass. In this training, I reveal the simple (but effective) 5-step process our high achieving clients […]
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