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253 results found for: sleep

247: How To Beat Weight Gain, High Cholesterol and Diabetes with Dr. Spencer Nadolsky

On today’s episode, we’ll be discussing your health with Dr. Spencer Nadolsky. Dr. Nadolsky will also answer some questions from our listeners about blood work that will really help you understand the principles as well as the risk factors when it comes to heart disease, diabetes and systemic inflammation. Also, he will share 7 ways to boost your metabolism and much more. Listen Now!

246: Supercharge Your Body: Burn Fat And Get Fit After 40+ with Alex Viada

You don’t have to be in your 20’s to be muscular, lean, and strong. The fundamentals of good dieting and effective training remain no matter what age you are. In this episode with strength and conditioning coach Alex Viada, you’ll learn powerful strategies for maximizing your fitness after 40. Listen now!

245: Top 7 Muscle Building Mistakes To Avoid (And How To Bulk Up) with Ted Ryce

Imagine this …
Each day you wake up, take your protein shake, exercise at the gym and watch your body get bigger.
Could there be anything more satisfying than that?
Actually, yes. It’s much more satisfying (and rewarding) to… So, read this in-depth article or listen to the podcast version to avoid these muscle building mistakes and get leaner, bigger, and stronger.

239: Josh Trent: How Technology Is Revolutionizing The Health & Wellness Industry

It’s time to change the way we approach health and fitness. The days when you simply lift weights or go for a run are gone. In this episode, our guest, Josh Trent explains the benefits and risks of self-tracking and looks at: how to choose the right wearable, the biggest problems with wearable tech, tips to prevent tech addiction and much more. Listen now!