Sometimes modern life doesn’t allow a half-hour ride to the gym, an hour workout, and half-hour ride home. It’s too much time especially if you’ve got a lot going on in your life. Also waiting for equipment and getting distracted by the people who are there for the social aspect of going to the gym can make your time there a lot longer than an hour. Even though I’m in the fitness business, sometimes I’m too busy to do a gym trip. So what’s the solution?
Working out at home!
There is so much you can do right in your house…even with NO equipment. It just takes a little know-how.
Here is a basic routine that you can do right from the comfort of your home without the use of any equipment whatsoever:
1. Hip Bridges

Finish Position: squeeze your glutes (butt) to lift, hold for three seconds at the top, then return to start position.
2.Body Weight Squats

Start Position: Feet are shoulder-width apart and facing straight ahead, finger tips are on your ears, and standing up straight with good posture.

Finish Position: Keeping your back straight, bend at your knees and hips, and lower as far down as you can while maintaining good alignment.
3. Planks

Start Position: Laying on face-down, tuck your toes under as in picture, and support yourself with your fore arms. Elbows should be directly below your shoulders as in picture.

Finish Position: Bridge your body up into a good push up style position. Your body should be in good postural alignment (as in picture). Contract your abdominal muscles tightly before you raise your body off the ground. Hold for a count of three seconds at the top, then return to the start position.
4. Body Weight Lunges

Start Position: Feet are shoulder-width apart and facing straight ahead, finger tips are on your ears, and standing up straight with good posture.

Finish Position: Take a big step in front of you with your right leg, then lower your body until your thigh is parallel with the ground. Then push off your right foot to return to the starting position. Repeat with your left leg. Maintain good postural alignment throughout each repetition.
5. Back Extensions

Start Position: Lay face-down on a mat, with your legs shoulder-width apart, and your arms raised above your head. Keep your arms straight and your thumbs pointing up toward the ceiling.

Finish Position: Raise arms and legs at the same time to just a few inches off the ground. Don't raise too high as you can put too much stress on your lower back. Hold for three seconds and return to the start position.
Start with 3 sets of each exercise. Shoot for 10-20 reps and rest 30-60 seconds in between sets. For a more challenging workout, do each exercise after the other in circuit fashion resting only after you have completed the fifth exercise. Repeat the circuit 3-5 times and rest 30-60 seconds in between circuits.
This won’t get you into amazing shape, but it’s better than what I see most people doing in the gym anyway.
Try it!