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Ted Talk 122: Fat Loss Myth Busted: How Long Do You Need To Exercise To Lose Weight

Is it possible to lose weight if you don’t have too much time for exercise? How much time you should spend at the gym to lose weight?In this Ted Talk episode, Ted Ryce explains how much exercise you need to do in order to lose weight, so you can finally stop wasting hours at the gym.

492: Peak 40: The New Science of Upgraded Health for a Leaner, Stronger Body and a Sharper Mind with Dr. Marc Bubbs

A lot of people ask, how to reach your peak after 40. How can you upgrade your health for a leaner, stronger body? In this episode, Doctor Marc Bubbs reveals how you can improve your gut health, increase testosterone, boost midlife performance, lower stress, and live a healthier life overall.

Ted Talk 117: The Magic Ratio For Happiness: The Secret To A Happy And Fulfilled Life with Ted Ryce

How often have you said, “I just want to be happy”? Or how many times did you say to a loved one: “I just want you to be happy.” Happiness is the biggest desire we all have. But, is there a magic formula, a magic ratio to happiness and positivity? The answer is “Yes.” In this new Ted Talk episode, Ted Ryce will reveal it. Plus, you’ll learn what steps you need to take to live a happy and fulfilled life are. Listen now!

Ted Talk 116: How Can I Finally Make My New Year Resolution Stick in 2022?

Whether that’s about losing weight, saving money, sleeping more, or focusing on their health, many people kick off the new year with resolutions for the next 12 months. In this new Ted Talk episode, Ted Ryce is going to teach you some effective strategies that will help you make the most of your New Year’s resolutions in 2022. Listen now!