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546 results found for: change

168: Joel Jamieson: 11 Ways To Workout Smarter Than Ever

You’re dedicated to your career, have a busy family life, and a chaotic schedule. At the same time, your fitness is important. So you’re hitting the gym hard and pushing yourself, but progress seems to be painfully slow.

Now, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but just because you spent an hour in the gym doesn’t mean your body is going to change at all. You need to train smarter, and best-selling author and famous MMA coach Joe Jamieson will teach you 11 Ways to workout smarter than ever. Ready to take your body to the next level? Listen Now!

167: Ted Ryce: The Choices You’ll Regret at the End Of Your Life

Too many of us get hypnotized by our daily rituals and forget that we have a limited time on Earth to do what we feel we were here to do. Listen to this episode to avoid those mistakes that so many of us make and how your daily rituals are the key to changing your life for the better!

Ask Ted 91: How To Overcome Self-Doubt About Your Life’s Purpose

164: Ted Ryce: 11 Ways To Relieve Stress That You Can Start Today

Whether it’s related to an issue at work, a fight with a friend, or problems with family, everyone feels stressed sometimes. In fact, 54 percent of Americans are concerned about the level of stress in their daily lives. So what can be done in the next five minutes to reduce—and prevent—stress? Here’s our list of 11 ways to decrease stress right now.