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366 results found for: stress

209: 6 Fitness Secrets To Get Bigger, Leaner And Stronger

Today, I will be teaching you some of the best workout secrets I learned after seventeen years in this fitness industry and training celebrities, CEO’s of multi-million dollar companies and real people like you. There is now an overwhelming amount of information, and it has become increasingly difficult to know what works, what does not work, and what to do instead.
Based on the presentation I gave recently at The 21 Convention, If you want to transform your body and your life, apply these six fitness secrets to getting bigger, leaner and stronger. Listen Now!

204: Seth Blaustein: How To Be The Change You Want To See In The World

Learn a new philosophy and recipe for human flourishing—both in your own personal life and for positive global transformation. Our personal lives are composed of models and institutions—some of which may be outdated and ready to be reinvented. How many things in your life do you criticize (complain about), and what if you could learn to “criticize by creating”? That is, pouring your energy into creating positive solutions that will maximize your personal potential and contribute to a better world. Join me with the co-founder of the Voice & Exit conference and festival, Seth Blaustein, to learn how to “exit” the things in your life that are holding you back. Listen Now!

The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Equipment List

Bodyweight Workouts are an incredible way to build strength and muscle with minimal equipment.

However, to get the best results from your bodyweight workout program, you need to invest in getting a minimal amount of equipment. In this article, I’m going to give you a list of my favorite bodyweight workout equipments to help you create your own home gym with a small budget. Read Now!

193: Ryan Munsey: Hidden Secrets of The Supplement Industry

Maybe your doctor recommended you start taking a supplement. Maybe you stumbled across an article somewhere that suggested a certain supplement would make you stronger. Or maybe you heard that everyone over a certain age should be taking a daily multivitamin.

There are any number of reasons to take supplements. And in today’s world, taking the appropriate supplement can be a critical part of a healthy life. But there is a big dirty secret in the supplement industry, and that’s what you’re about to discover in this episode. Plus, a special gift for you at the end. Listen Now!