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366 results found for: stress

367: How Your Body’s Rhythm Could Help You Lose Weight, Sleep Better And Live Longer with Greg Potter

Lose weight, become more energetic and sleep well every night. That’s what you’re about to learn in this interview with Ph.D. Greg Potter. He explains how fasting, circadian rhythms, and time-restricted eating can help you reset your body clock to lose fat, sleep better and live longer. Listen Now!

366: 5 Cardio Myths You Need to Stop Believing with Ted Ryce

At the end of a rough day, the rhythmic swooshing of the elliptical, whir of a bike, or patter of feet on the belt of a treadmill might sound like music to your ears—for stress relief, cardio is tops. BUT, there is still a ton of misinformation surrounding cardio. In this episode, I debunk 5 cardio myths and reveal the best way to burn fat and finally achieve the lean body that you’ve always wanted. Listen Now!

358: How To Leave Toxic Diet Culture Behind And Focus On Optimal Health and a Balanced Life with Danny Lennon

Toxic diet culture places value on being a certain size, weight, and shape over actually being healthy. Diet culture also promotes the false notion that health equals to thinness. In today’s episode, our special guest performance nutritionist and evidence-based educator Danny Lennon explain why it’s time to leave diet culture behind for good and focus on optimal health for a balanced life. Listen Now!

Altered States of Consciousness, How to Live A Legendary Life & The Gift of Perspective with Josh Trent

How can you get out of your “box life” to enter an altered state of mind, really come alive, and explore what you truly want this year? In this special episode my guest Josh Trent, host of the Wellness Force Podcast join me in Thailand to discuss the differences between being selfish and self-serving, how different states and tools from float tanks to plant medicine can help you achieve clarity, and his own path to his ayahasca experience despite being hesitant in the beginning. Listen Now!