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366 results found for: stress

309: 11 Simple Ways For Staying In Shape While Traveling (That Anyone Can Do) [Infographic]

If you’ve ever been on vacation, you know how difficult it can be to stay in shape. There’s so much good food and drink that you just want to indulge in it all. Fitness is probably the last thing on your mind, and I get it. That’s why I created this special episode to teach you how to stay fit and avoid weight gain while traveling. Plus, an infographic bonus to help you shape up on the go. Listen Now!

306: Overcoming Tragedy And Living A Legendary Life with Martina Plag

Why is it that some people have the ability to overcome tragedy and trauma while others don’t? Is it the severity of the tragedy that counts or the resiliency of the person? In this episode, my special guest and former coaching client, Martina Plag, will share her journey of overcoming tragedy and reveal how fitness and personal development gave a new meaning to her life. Listen to this episode to get encouraged to push through any obstacles and pain you might be facing in your life right now.

300: Little-Known Nutrition Hacks To Cook Your Food For The Biggest Health Benefits With Alex Leaf

Choosing the right foods is one part of eating healthy—but how you prepare them also plays a role. Did you know that higher cooking temperatures can create chemical reactions among amino acids, creatines, and sugars — reactions that may produce dangerous compounds that can damage our DNA. Sounds confusing? We invited nutrition expert Alex Leaf to explain how cooking oils, cooking methods, and household chemicals can affect your health based on the latest research. Plus, he will share his nutrition hacks to help you cook for the biggest health benefits. Listen Now!

Legendary Lean Success Story: Art B., 55 Y/O, Lost 25Lbs & Feels Happy To Have The Energy And The Health To Keep Up With His Grandson

Our podcast listener Art was tired of being a couch potato. He tried all the diets on the market but didn’t get lasting results. After trying the Legendary Lean program for 90 days he lost 25lbs, dropped 6” off his waist, and got his health back. Now, he feels that he will have the energy and the vitality to see his grandson grow up. Listen to his inspiring story now!