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366 results found for: stress

355: Breathe. Exhale. Repeat: The Benefits of Breathwork with Niraj Naik

Over-worked, under-slept, and feeling pressure like whoa? Turns out all you need is a pair of healthy lungs, your breath, and a few minutes. Listen to this special episode with Niraj Naik to learn how breathwork can improve your health, transform your body and state of mind.

354: How Your Brain Is Making You Fat (And What To Do About It) with Stephan Guyenet

Ever plowed through a pint of ice cream? Gone back for seconds (or thirds) at a buffet? Then you know how difficult it can be to put the skids on eating. You might curse your lack of willpower, but in this special episode I discuss the brain’s influence on weight loss with neuroscientist Dr. Stephan Guyenet. Also, he reveals who to trust when it comes to health and nutrition information and proven ways on how to regain control of emotional eating. Listen now!

Organifi Green Juice Review 2019: Is It Worth The Money?

There are a lot of Green Juice Superfood reviews out there. If you want to cut through the hype about Organifi Green Juice and learn the good, the bad, and whether it’s worth your money, then you want to read this article.

351: Blaming Your Slow Metabolism for Weight Gain? Here’s the Real Reason You Can’t Lose Fat with Ted Ryce

Detoxes, intermittent fasting, keto diets, and other quick fixes come and go, but blaming “aging” or a “slow metabolism” for weight gain has been around for years. What if the real reason you can’t shake the weight is actually something you can fix — and not determined by your age or genetics? In this episode, you’ll find out how metabolism affects weight loss, the true connection between your metabolism and being overweight, out of shape and stressed. Listen Now!