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488 results found for: exercise

468: How to Find Happiness, Focus & Productivity No Matter How Busy You Are with Jeff Sanders

For most people, being a high performer equals having an overloaded calendar. We think that a busy schedule means productivity. But, in reality, productivity is about removing not adding. Wondering what that means? Tune in for this Legendary Life podcast episode and you will find out the answer to this question and much more from our guest, productivity coach, and author, Jeff Sanders. Listen now!

466: Outsmarting Alzheimer’s: The Surprising Science Of Eating To Prevent And Reverse Cognitive Decline At Any Age with Max Lugavere

Unfortunately, neurodegenerative diseases affect millions of people worldwide. The question is if there’s a way to reduce the risk of neurodegenerative conditions with a specific diet or exercise? In this episode, Health & Science journalist Max Lugavere will answer this question and talk about the connection between diet & lifestyle and brain health. Tune in to discover how to prevent cognitive decline and build your best brain yet!

Ted Talk 92: The #1 Mistake You’re Making In Your Health

If you listen to this podcast you must be a person who eats healthy, exercises a lot and has many good habits that should help your body stay in shape and feel great most of the time. But despite all these healthy habits, you don’t feel as good as you should all the time. Sounds familiar? Wondering why is this happening? Find out the answer to these questions from this new Ted Talk episode! Listen now!

462: Stress Management Series: What Is Stress And How It Affects Our Body and Mind with Ted Ryce – Part 1

We all feel stressed from time to time. But what is stress and why do we feel it? How can we manage stress to live a happier life? In this 3-part Stress Management Series, Ted Ryce will explain what is stress and how it affects our body and health. He will also reveal how we can train our brain and body to experience less stress and live a healthier and happier life. Listen Now!