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488 results found for: exercise

Ted Talk 203: What Are The Top 3 Science-Backed Strategies To Reverse The Aging Process? – Ask Ted

In today’s Ask Ted episode, Ted is going to answer the question: “What are the top 3 science-backed strategies to reverse the aging process?” He will dive into the science behind aging and share insights about the nine identified hallmarks of aging, will provide practical advice on three science-backed strategies to improve your health and longevity. Listen now!

Unstoppable After 40: The Superfood You Should Be Eating Now, How To Maximize Your Gym Results In Less Time, And How Eating Healthy Can Be Unhealthy

Today’s issue is brought to you by Unstoppable After 40 Masterclass. In this training, we reveal the super (but effective) 5-step process our high achieving clients […]

Unstoppable After 40: When Eating Healthy Is Unhealthy, Perfection Vs Consistency, And How To Stop Shoulder Pain From Ruining Your Workouts

Today’s issue is brought to you by Unstoppable After 40 Masterclass. In this training, I reveal the simple (but effective) 5-step process our high achieving clients […]

562: Unlocking Your Fitness Potential: Strategies To Overcoming Plateaus And Achieving Sustainable Fat Loss Results with Dr. Allan Bacon

In today’s episode, Ted sits down with Dr. Allan Bacon, a seasoned expert in fitness and nutrition, to tackle these challenges head-on. Together, they’ll delve into the world of health and fitness advice, dissecting the impact of social media sensationalism. Dr. Allan will unveil invaluable strategies to help you break through plateaus and keep that motivation burning on your fitness journey, will discuss the role of calorie tracking, the impact of medications on weight loss, and so much more. Listen now!