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488 results found for: exercise

365: 5 Strength Training Myths For People Over 40 with Ted Ryce

When it comes to strength training advice, it pays to be a skeptic.The fitness industry is filled with false information and “bro science”. Listen to this episode to learn five weightlifting myths that might be holding you back. So, you can separate fact from fiction and accelerate your results.

362: How Meditation Could Be The Missing Piece Of Your Weight Loss Puzzle with Simone Tai

If you find yourself starting to gain weight you’ll probably focus on the two likely suspects, namely diet and exercise. In your rush to start munching on veggies and pump at the gym, you may be overlooking an important factor. Can mindfulness really have a significant effect on your weight? Listen to this episode with renowned meditation teacher Simone Tai and learn about the surprising connection between meditation and weight loss.

355: Breathe. Exhale. Repeat: The Benefits of Breathwork with Niraj Naik

Over-worked, under-slept, and feeling pressure like whoa? Turns out all you need is a pair of healthy lungs, your breath, and a few minutes. Listen to this special episode with Niraj Naik to learn how breathwork can improve your health, transform your body and state of mind.

353: Everything You Need To Know About High Intensity Interval Training HIIT with Ted Ryce

Searching for the most efficient way to get lean, get conditioned, and look incredible in half of the time? Listen to this episode to learn everything you need to know about HIIT. Plus, how to avoid the most common HIIT mistakes and get the leaner body you’ve always wanted in less time.