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306: Overcoming Tragedy And Living A Legendary Life with Martina Plag

Why is it that some people have the ability to overcome tragedy and trauma while others don't? Is it the severity of the tragedy that counts or the resiliency of the person? In this episode, my special guest and former coaching client, Martina Plag, will share her journey of overcoming tragedy and reveal how fitness and personal development gave a new meaning to her life. Listen to this episode to get encouraged to push through any obstacles and pain you might be facing in your life right now.

289: How To Find Happiness, Focus & Productivity No Matter How Busy You Are with Jeff Sanders

Are you overworked, stressed, and always being asked to do more, and do it better? In this interview with productivity expert Jeff Sanders, he will walk you through a real-world framework for more effective time management that helps you prioritize, focus, clarify, and go. Plus, you’ll learn a new daily routine that will help you become the focused, efficient achiever, you've been trying to be for so long. Listen Now!

269: 14 Superfoods Healthier Than Kale (That You Should Start Eating Today)

Nowadays kale is so popular that there are people walking around with t-shirts bearing its name, celebrities sharing their kale juice recipes and the media telling you that kale has superpowers. The reality is that kale may not be king when it comes to the nutritional powers of leafy greens, as a study reports. In this episode, you’ll learn the superfoods that are healthier than kale and you can add to your diet to improve your health and prevent heart disease and cancer. Find out now!

Sitting Is Killing You Even If You Workout Regularly (Here’s What You Should Do About It)

You’ve no doubt heard the news by now: a car-commuting, desk-bound, TV-watching lifestyle can be harmful to your health. All the time we spend sitting behind a steering wheel, slumped over a keyboard, or relaxing on our comfortable couches has been labeled the ‘sitting disease. And it's a modern-day health epidemic. Read now to find out exactly how it hurts your body—and eleven ways to undo the damage (without spending hours at the gym). You might want to stand up for this one.
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