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420: Isometric Exercise: How To Build A Fit & Stronger Body Without Moving with Brad Thorpe

Some fitness trends make it seem like to get in shape; you have to bounce around, throw tires into the air, or spend hours at the gym. But, believe it or not, you can build serious strength without even moving a muscle. In this episode, human performance expert Brad Thorpe explains how you can strengthen and tone your muscles without moving. Listen to this episode to learn how to build a fit and stronger body with isometric exercises.

418: How to Prevent Back Pain While Working From Home with Ted Ryce

back pain
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought up everyday life as we know it, most of us working in daily jobs are now sitting at home slouching in front of our computers while being forced to do household chores as well. That puts a lot of pressure on our sore, stiff back. So, what can you do? In this episode, Ted will explain how to deal with back pain while working from home plus spine stabilization exercises, and much more.

Ted Talk 26: Stop Waiting For The Perfect Moment And Start Now

Many of us wait for the “perfect time” with our health, nutrition, and fitness and life in general. But this all-or-nothing thinking—as in, “If I don’t do this perfectly then it’s not enough and I give up!”—rarely gets us “all.” It usually gets us “nothing.” The problem is that there really is never a right time to do things. In this Ted Talk Episode, Ted reveals how you can change your mindset and finally achieve the goals that you want in 2020. Listen now!

389: Nutrition 101 Series: Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Nutrition With Ted Ryce – Part 4

One of the most exciting and revolutionary topics in health right now is also one of the least sexy: gut microbiome. So, in this final part of the Nutrition 101 series, we'll be talking about ways to improve gut health and reap the rewards of a flourishing microbiome without expensive supplements. Listen Now!
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