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183: 3 Reasons Why You Should Watch “I Am Not Your Guru” (Even If You’re Not A Tony Robbins Fan)

Friday night, Gisele and I stayed in and watched I AM NOT YOUR GURU, the new documentary about Tony Robbins on Netflix. To be honest, I wanted to watch something else but Gisele was insistent because Tony is one of her heroes. And I have to say that it was one of the most engaging and inspiring movies I've ever seen. In this episode you'll discover the three reasons why you should watch it (even if you're not a Tony Robbins fan). Listen Now!

182: How To Take Control Of Your Body And Your Life Forever with Ted Ryce

“I need to start taking better care of myself.” “I feel like I’m stuck in rut.” “It’s time to make my health more of a priority.” Any of those sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. Listen to this episode and learn how to change your health, body and life forever. Listen Now!

180: Kevin Kelly: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future

In today's interview, my guest Kevin Kelly, who is one of the leading technology thinkers and writers in the world, will guide us through the twelve technological imperatives that will shape the next thirty years and transform our lives. This interview will be crucial to anyone who seeks guidance on where their business, industry, or life is heading—what to invent, where to work, what to invest in, how to better reach customers, and what to begin to put into place—as this new world emerges. Listen Now!

177: Thomas Plummer: How To Ruin Your Life by 40: 7 Mistakes You Might Be Making Right Now

There are plenty of ways to ruin your life. So, by taking a look at these common mistakes, you'll learn what to avoid and what to focus on. Our guest Thomas Plummer speaks with wisdom and uses this interview as a wake-up call that we should all take. Listen Now!
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