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215: 8 Secrets To Stay Fit During The Holidays

From now until New Year's Day, your schedule will likely be filled with family commitments, traveling and festive outings with all sorts of tempting foods (my personal favorite is my dad’s stuffing). Every year I provide tips on how to stay in shape during the holidays but this year I really wanted to do something different and give you a holistic approach to staying fit for this season. In this episode, I will explain why people gain weight during the holidays and I will teach you effective ways to stay in shape while still enjoying the holiday season. Listen for more!

214: Coach Burt: 5 Things You Need To Know To Be Successful

My inspirational guest for you today is a repeat guest, Coach Michael Burt from Episode 113. Today Coach Burt is back to help you get fired up about your life and the opportunities you’re surrounded by. He brings optimism; strategies and tools for you take action and succeed. Coach Burt is someone that motivates me and I know he will inspire you too. Listen Now!

213: If You’re Overwhelmed By The 2016 Election, Here’s What You Can Do

While some are rejoicing, the 2016 election results have left many people feeling anxious, sad and overwhelmed. As emotional as this process has been there were a few lessons that I will be sharing with you in this episode. Also, you’ll learn why having control over your daily actions is more important, ways you can move forward and why you should not allow this to distract you from the path you're on. Today, I challenge you to make a positive effect on the world instead of letting the world affect you. Listen for more!

210: Aaron Marino: How Shark Tank Can Change Your Life

Lifestyle expert Aaron Marino made a name for himself with the I Am Alpha M brand. His style and grooming YouTube channel has more than 1.9 million subscribers and throughout the past 10 years he has expanded his reach and was featured on the ABC’s Shark Tank. Listen as Aaron talks about his experience on Shark Tank, why he walked away from his deal and tips for building a successful brand. Listen Now!
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