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117: Dan Pena: Success Habits of the 50 Billion Dollar Man

In this episode, you will learn: • The psychology of a high-performance • What F.E.A.R. really is • 3 Reasons why you are broke and unsuccessful (or why most people are broke) • How to invest money in a smart way and MUCH more.

What Death and Tragedy Taught Me About Living Life

I asked the FBI agent if my brother was okay. What happened next changed our lives...

115: AJ Roberts: How To Build Unbreakable Self-Confidence

In this episode, you will learn: • 2 Keys to master success • Getting into the Samurai Mindset • 3 Signs it's time for a major life change • Finding your unique genius and MUCH more.

114: Joe Di Bernardo: Life Lessons From A Former NFL Football Player

In this episode, you will learn: How to make the most of your life transitions / The power of adaptability / What it's like to play professional football / 4 Ways to boost your sex drive naturally / 5 Bedtime Hacks: Powerful tips for getting a good night's sleep
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