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256: 7 Fat Loss Lies You Need To Stop Believing

There’s a lot of nutrition nonsense out there. The problem? With all these lies and bad ideas floating around, too many people are getting duped into ridiculous diets, absurd nutrition rules, and insane workouts that will ultimately leave them tired, frustrated, and hungry—but no leaner. Here are the biggest 7 fat loss lies and the nutritional realities behind them. Listen Now!

254: How To Achieve Peak Mental Performance with Dr. Chris Friesen

Are you struggling to achieve success? In today’s interview our guest, performance psychologist, Dr. Chris Friesen will be sharing the evidence-based side of personal development and the mindset behind high performance. We’ll also discuss how to conquer anxiety and how to be mentally prepared to achieve your goals. Listen now for more!

251: How Ancestral Health Can Help You Improve Your Modern Life with Keith Norris

Roughly one in three American adults is obese. Two out of every three adults are overweight. Why are we so fat? What is it about our modern lifestyle that is causing this epidemic? In this special episode, our guest, Keith Norris, will explain the root cause of our obesity epidemic and how ancestral health can help you overcome this and other diseases. He also shares how to use an “evolutionary lens” on other areas of your life to guide you towards living a life of passion and purpose. Listen to this episode and get ready to go Paleo and eat like a caveman.

250: How To Burn Fat, Build Strength And Become Unstoppably Fit with Bobby Maximus

Here comes a time in every man’s life where he thinks, This is it. This is my last chance to get it together and get back in shape again. And the longer I wait, the fatter I’ll get, and the harder it’ll be. Is that you? The good news is in this episode, renowned trainer Bobby Maximus will reveal the best strategies to shred your body, build serious strength, and make you unstoppable fit.
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