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Ted Talk 169: The Simple (But Effective) 7-Step Framework To Build Healthy Habits for Life

Achieving a full-body transformation is not about holding onto extreme changes for as long as you can; it is about making small changes that you can hold on to in the long run. In today's episode, Ted shares an infallible 7-step framework that will help you build healthy habits and, most importantly, make them last. Listen Now!

535: Everything You Need to Know About Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell Therapy with Joshua Ketner

If you're over 40, you might have aches and pains and even sport injuries. And you've probably heard about stem cells in the news, and perhaps you've wondered if they might help with pain and injuries. In today's episode, Ted interviews Joshua Ketner, Founder of Dream Body Clinic, one of the world's most advanced clinics for Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatments. Joshua explains how steam cells is revolutionizing pain management, the basics of stem cell therapy and pain relief, where do steam cells come from, potential side effects, and much more.

534: The One Thing You Should Learn If You Want To Get Fit, Lose Weight, And Get Healthy In 2023 (That Nobody Is Talking About)

Throughout your life, you’ve had parents, coaches, teachers, friends and mentors who have pushed you to be better than your excuses and bigger than your fears. In this episode, I talk about the power of a “push moment” that you can use to burn fat, get fit, live a healthier life and even accomplish more in life. Listen to this episode and make 2023 your best year ever!

Ted Talk 162: What’s Your Go-to For Managing Stress? – Ask Ted

Are you aware of how stress affects your work performance, personal life, and even in the gym? Unfortunately, stress attacks in all sorts of ways, and that's why Ted spent years devouring studies and cross-examining experts to find out the best stress-busting tips for high performers. In today's Ask Ted, Ted reveals his 5-step framework to control, contain and conquer stress.