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449: The Secret To Longevity: Isometric Training For A Fit, Stronger & Pain-Free Body with Brad Thorpe

Do you want to live a long and healthy life? Do you want to know what exercise is best for optimal health and longevity? In this episode serial entrepreneur and human performance consultant Brad Thorpe explains how replacing dynamic exercises for isometrics exercises can help you build a fit, strong, and healthier body in record time, even if you're in your 50s, 60s, and beyond. Listen now to learn how to turn your biological clock with isometric training.

3 Essential Wellness Habits For High Performers During Coronavirus Pandemic

These are the essential wellness habits that separate high achievers from everyone else, even during the COVID-19 crisis. Read now!

The Science Of Food Cravings (And How To Beat Them For Once And All) Part 1

Turns out, there’s a scientific reason why you’re elbow-deep in the office candy bowl every time the pressure hits. The truth is that is not your fault that you find modern foods, and habits irresistible. In this Part 1, I explain the science behind food cravings and how you can stop your food cravings for good.

14 Superfoods Healthier Than Kale (That You Should Start Eating Today)

Nowadays kale is so popular that there are people walking around with t-shirts bearing its name, celebrities sharing their kale juice recipes and the media telling you that kale has superpowers. The reality is that kale may not be king when it comes to the nutritional powers of leafy greens, as a study reports. In this episode, you’ll learn the superfoods that are healthier than kale and you can add to your diet to improve your health and prevent heart disease and cancer. Find out now!