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408: Weight Loss & Metabolic Slowdown: What’s Going On? with Ted Ryce

Your body's metabolism is often touted as the hidden secret of weight-loss success—a fast one helps you lose weight, and a slower one can work against you. But can shedding pounds actually make your metabolism slow down and turn sluggish? In this episode, Ted will debunk myths about metabolism and also teach you how to boost your metabolism, burn fat, and increase energy. Listen now!

406: Getting Back In Shape After Coronavirus Quarantine with Ted Ryce

Life in lockdown has disrupted all our lives, creating the perfect setup for putting on pounds. So, how can you get back in shape after the Covid-19 quarantine? In this episode, celebrity trainer Ted Ryce reveals how you can get back on track without killing yourself at the gym or following crazy diets. Listen now!

401: In Times Of Crisis, Make Stress Work For You with Ted Ryce

If you're not feeling stressed and anxious with this pandemic raise your hand. No one? No takers? Trying to live a completely stress-free life is a zero-sum game. The goal here is to figure out how to manage it effectively, so stops hindering your path forward. In this episode, Ted Ryce reveals how to manage and minimize the stress in your life right now. Plus, how to take back control of your thoughts, adopt a stronger, more focused mindset, and step into the role you were meant for. Listen Now!

398: Sleep Guidelines, Immune System, and Coronavirus with Dr. Kirk Parsley

Getting a good night’s sleep can be difficult at the best of times. But it can be even harder when you’re anxious or have something on your mind – a global pandemic, for example. In this episode, Doc Parsley talks about Coronavirus, how to keep your immune system healthy, and how sleep deprivation negatively affects your health, productivity, stress and relationships. Plus, he reveals the #1 secret to get a good night's sleep. Listen Now!