Essential SSL

166: John Goense: 9 Essential Lessons From A Self-Made Millionaire

Let’s be brutally honest... Nobody’s life is perfect. If you are going to play the game of life, then you are going to make mistakes and have setbacks. My goal with this episode is for you to learn from one of my millionaire clients who built his business from zero. You'll hear both the positive and negative of his climb to the top. You'll learn how to avoid the dead-end mistakes he did while adding his smart strategies into your life plan. If you take these 9 essential lessons to heart it will save you time and money on your journey to success. Listen Now!

164: Ted Ryce: 11 Ways To Relieve Stress That You Can Start Today

Whether it's related to an issue at work, a fight with a friend, or problems with family, everyone feels stressed sometimes. In fact, 54 percent of Americans are concerned about the level of stress in their daily lives. So what can be done in the next five minutes to reduce—and prevent—stress? Here's our list of 11 ways to decrease stress right now.

163: Craig Ballantyne: How To Win The Epic Battle For Your Time

Most people are stuck. Every day we seem to just go through the motions, following our usual routine without ever stopping and thinking why we do what we do, or what we'd rather be doing instead. In this episode, you’ll learn how to dominate your day and get the focus you need to take your life to the next level. Listen Now!

162: Josh Trent: Breaking Old Habits With Wellness Technology

From an unhealthy kid to wellness coach. This week's guest, Josh Trent, will empower you to take your health and fitness to the next level using technology. Also, you will learn how you can reduce your stress levels, the best apps for your health and how to get the most out of your wearable. Listen Now!