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Ted Talk 150: How Sleep Deprivation & Stress Is Sabotaging Your Fat Loss, Workout Efforts & Business Success

If you have been consistent with your workout routine and nutrition choices but still can't lose those extra pounds or perform better at work, it's time to check your stress levels and sleep quality. In this episode, Ted reveals how stress and sleep deprivation can get in the way and sabotage your success. Plus, powerful tips on handling stress and improving your sleep that you can apply today. Listen Now!

514: Facts & Myths About Protein For Health And Longevity with Dr. Stuart Phillips, Ph.D.

There are a lot of claims about protein in the media and from internet “gurus”. Are you confused about whether protein will help you build muscle and lose fat? Or will it weaken your bones, damage your kidneys, and cause cancer? Those are the questions that our special guest Dr. Stuart Phillips will answer in this episode. Listen now to understand how protein can be the KEY to living longer.

Ted Talk 144: Help! How Do I Stay Healthy When Life Gets Super Busy? – Ask Ted

Have you had a massive change in your life that added stress or reduced your free time, and you've seen your healthy habits slowly but surely slip away? In this new Ted Talk episode, Ted explains how a busy schedule or a life change can affect our health and productivity and practical ways to stay healthy when you’re super busy. Listen now!

513: Nutrition Made Simple: How To Make Better Food Choices, Outsmart “Bad Genes” & Finally End Your Nutrition Confusion with Dr. Gil Carvalho

Despite the massive amount of information available on health and nutrition, there is still a lot of confusion and misunderstanding around it. Why is that, and how can we know who to trust? In this episode, the prominent physician, research scientist, and science communicator Dr. Gil Carvalho reveals why there is a gap between the public and science. And how we can end the nutrition confusion, so we can finally make better choices and live a healthier and longer life. Listen now!