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269: 14 Superfoods Healthier Than Kale (That You Should Start Eating Today)

Nowadays kale is so popular that there are people walking around with t-shirts bearing its name, celebrities sharing their kale juice recipes and the media telling you that kale has superpowers. The reality is that kale may not be king when it comes to the nutritional powers of leafy greens, as a study reports. In this episode, you’ll learn the superfoods that are healthier than kale and you can add to your diet to improve your health and prevent heart disease and cancer. Find out now!

267: How To Train Like A Superhero With Lauren Mary Kim

In this episode, Ted interviews a real-life action hero, Lauren Mary Kim. Lauren is a professional stunt-woman, who recently doubled Elodie Yung in the Netflix-Marvel The Defenders. Ted and Lauren discuss what it’s like being a stunt double for some of the biggest name celebrities, how she prepares herself mentally for stunts that put her life and limb at risk. Also, how to reach super hero shape. Listen Now!

Sitting Is Killing You Even If You Workout Regularly (Here’s What You Should Do About It)

You’ve no doubt heard the news by now: a car-commuting, desk-bound, TV-watching lifestyle can be harmful to your health. All the time we spend sitting behind a steering wheel, slumped over a keyboard, or relaxing on our comfortable couches has been labeled the ‘sitting disease. And it's a modern-day health epidemic. Read now to find out exactly how it hurts your body—and eleven ways to undo the damage (without spending hours at the gym). You might want to stand up for this one.

262: How Healthy Habits Can Transform Your Body More Than Any Diet with John Berardi, PhD

Have you ever missed out on accomplishing a goal or task because you were overwhelmed? Maybe you had too much information to sort through or tried to do too much at once. In this episode, the nutrition legend Dr. John Berardi will join us to talk about how building a daily healthy habit routine can transform your body more than any diet or fad in the market. Listen Now!