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331: 7 Things You Need To Give Up If You Want To Be Successful In 2019

We all say that we want to be successful. Unfortunately, most of us haven't. We watch Netflix when we could be working on our business strategy. We eat junk food when we know healthier meals will give us the energy to get through the day and keep our waistlines in check. Stop doing these 7 time-wasters today and finally become more successful in life and make 2019 your best year ever. (Hint: there are a few secrets from my CEO clients!)

330: The Dirty Truth About The Supplement Industry with Mike Matthews

Over the years, we’ve seen many different diet crazes pop out—from ketogenic diets to paleo diets to even alkaline diets—and the slew of supplementary products that are busting the shelves over the years, but are they really the way to go to live a healthier, cleaner lifestyle? This episode Mike Matthews will lay down for us what it really means to living and eating clean and healthy.

329: The Secret Weapon To Lower Blood Pressure & Prevent Injuries with Brad Thorpe

You've heard the expression, "You can achieve anything if you work hard enough at it." It's certainly true in some pursuits, but in the gym, too much sweat equity is more likely to leave you exhausted, uninspired, and even injured. Today's guest Brad Thorpe will teach you how to pump up your progress at the gym with while reducing blood pressure and preventing injuries. Listen now!

326: The Truth Behind Fasting And Ketogenic Diets with Dr. Mike Nelson

Have you heard the claims about fasting and living a longer life? Do wonder if the autophagy that keeps getting brought up online about fasting really has any benefits to it? Are you considering doing a ketogenic diet because so many people are reporting great results? In this episode we cover all of that and more with special guest Dr. Mike Nelson. Mike has a deep scientific background and uses it to separate fact from fiction in today's episode. We also dive into the science is proving to be the most important factors for longevity. Listen in now.