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506: The 3S Method: How To Reduce Stress, Lose Weight and Maintain For Life with Ted Ryce

I bet you´re feeling pretty stressed most of the time. And why wouldn’t you? The world is a stressful place. Your business is stressful. Your career is stressful. Being a parent is stressful. And hey, your body doesn’t do what it used to. My point is we are all under a lot of stress and stress could be stopping you from losing the fat that you want. In this episode, I´ll reveal how the 3S system can help you lower stress, lose weight and keep it off. Tune in to discover a simple method that can transform your body and mind in record time.

505: 5 Harsh Truths About Fat Loss (That No One Is Telling You)

If you feel you've heard and tried almost everything to lose weight, yet you are either stuck at your weight or gain it back in half the time you lost it, don't you think it's time to ask yourself seriously about why this is happening? In this episode, Ted gets his hands dirty and shares 5 harsh truths about fat loss that no diet or health influencer on earth would ever tell you.

504: Been Waiting For The Right Moment To Tell You This…

The end of the first quarter of 2022 is in the books and I want to ask you… How are your results so far? How much weight have you lost since January? How much are you stepping up and taking care of yourself so that you can take care of the people who depend on you? If you're not happy with your answers to any of those questions, there is STILL TIME! But you MUST be willing to change your approach. Listen in to find out what to do to finally get the results you deserve!

Ted Talk 134: Help! I’m Doing Everything Right, But I’m Still Not Losing Weight

Are you killing yourself at the gym, but despite all your efforts, the scale doesn't move? Well, working out at the gym certainly helps us in many ways. But when it comes to losing weight, just working out very hard, without taking care of our nutrition, is not the best solution. In this Ted Talk episode, Ted explains why trying to out-train your diet doesn't work and the smartest way to do it. Listen up as we break down everything that goes into getting in the best shape of your life (even if you tried and failed over and over).