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235: How To Stop Mindless Eating & Become Slim By Design with Dr. Brian Wansink

How can you become slim by design, without starving? On today’s episode, Dr. Brian Wansink introduces groundbreaking solutions for designing our most common spaces--schools, restaurants, grocery stores, and home kitchens, among others--to make positive changes in how we approach and manage our diets. Get ready to a slimmer you. Listen Now!

234: The Most Powerful Way To Get Motivated

The most valuable and prized possession is our health. Without our health, we wouldn’t be able to achieve the things we want to in our life, go places we want to go and do things we want to do. Over time with the rise in the consumption of processed food and the advancement of technology more and more people have turned away from taking care of their bodies. These bad habits along with the expectation for everyday comforts have created an increase in illness and lack of peak performance in the body. We have literally lost control of what goes on in our body and in our health. But I want you to know that there is another choice if you practice treating yourself well. If you are ready to have the energy to do what you really want in life and the mental clarity and motivation to make it happen, you should listen to this episode now and get access to my free video training!

225: 39 Biohacks For Fitness, Nutrition, Sleep, Stress, and Happiness (That Actually Work)

What the heck is “Biohacking”? Biohacking is a crazy-sounding name for something not crazy at all—the desire to be the absolute best version of ourselves. And with that in mind, I created this special episode for you with 39 Biohacks For Fitness, Nutrition, Sleep, Stress, and Happiness (that actually work). So, get ready to a better body, health, and life in 2017. Listen Now!

224: 9 Healthy Eating Habits For Better Nutrition And Better Health with Esther Blum

Registered Dietitian, Holistic Nutritionist, and Bestselling Author Esther Blum is our guest on today’s episode. With her formal education and practical experience, Esther teaches you how to incorporate healthy eating habits that lead to better nutrition and better health. In this powerful interview, she will help you “live gorgeously” through unleashing the healthy person inside you. Listen Now!
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