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224: 9 Healthy Eating Habits For Better Nutrition And Better Health with Esther Blum

Registered Dietitian, Holistic Nutritionist, and Bestselling Author Esther Blum is our guest on today’s episode. With her formal education and practical experience, Esther teaches you how to incorporate healthy eating habits that lead to better nutrition and better health. In this powerful interview, she will help you “live gorgeously” through unleashing the healthy person inside you. Listen Now!

223: Why The Scale Sucks: 7 Better Ways To Know If Your Health & Fitness Plan Is Working

Losing weight is no walk in the park, and staying committed to your new healthy lifestyle can be even more challenging. Here's the thing, it's easy for us to follow something short term and get results but not to keep it going for the long term. In this episode, I’m going to explain why it's hard to maintain weight-loss and how you could be sabotaging your health by making doing these crazy diets and miracle workouts. Listen now for more!

220: 7 Facts You Should Know About Nutrition And Fat Loss with Dr. Brad Dieter

As a consumer of health and fitness information, it’s tough to figure out what's fact from fiction to decide what creates optimal health. Today, Dr. Brad Dieter our special guest on the show is here to clear up a lot of misinformation. Dr. Dieter is a research scientist studying metabolism and chronic disease and is also an experienced sports nutritionist and strength and conditioning coach. We're going to dive into what the science says and what his experience has proven to achieve results. Listen Now!

217: 7 Strength Training Strategies To Maximize Your Results Part 2 with Dr Joel Seedman

He gave an impressively informative interview in part one that I had to get Dr. Joel Seedman back to go deeper into the conversation about eccentric isometrics. He's on the cutting edge of strength training and improving the function of the human body. If you haven't heard, go to part one of this two-part series and if you’re serious about improving your fitness you don’t want to miss out as Joel takes it to an even higher level in part two. Listen now for more with Dr. Joel Seedman!
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