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Legendary Life Blog

Ask Ted 51: How To Gain Muscle For Skinny Guys

I used to be skinny. Really skinny. If you were born skinny, you may not have the potential to gain the bulk of an NFL lineman, but it’s completely possible for a skinny guy to put on muscle. The bonus for you is that your body fat levels are naturally low, so when you do gain muscle, you’ll be able to achieve a very ripped look, which bigger, bulky guys often envy!

103: Darrin Bentley: How to Find Your Calling (And Why Most People Get This Wrong)

Do the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable / The key to success? Desire and action / Take action: 3 Ways to increase your happiness / Why simplicity is the secret to success / The #1 thing that holds people back from living the life they want / Why you should do something that scares you everyday / Perfectionism is an excuse for self defeat / How to have a balanced and fulfilled life / Why money doesn't equal success / Success is a process, not a moment

Ask Ted 50: How To Create Abundance In Your Life

Creating Abundance in your Life starts with YOU. YOU are the key to enjoying a life of abundance. What is the secret to this? Listen to this episode and learn 3 tips that will help you start to create abundance in your life right now.

102: Srinivas Rao: The Art of Being Unmistakeable

How to make money doing what you love / Why getting more degrees may not be the answer to success / What you should know before you start a podcast, blog or online business / What "giving value" really means and how to do it right / How to be persistent when the outcome of your actions is unpredictable / How to strike balance between your passion and making it a financial success / Being an "artist" vs being a marketer / How to stay passionate and curious with business / The role fitness plays in entrepreneurship
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