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568: How to Become Unstoppable in 2024 Series: Part 1: Mastering Your Mindset: The Key to Lasting Body Transformation Success

In Part 1 of the "How To Become Unstoppable In 2024 Series" Ted dives into mindset—exploring how it totally shapes the way we deal with our health, wealth and legacy.  He breaks down what mindset really means, why it’s key in our health journey, and the 5 mindset shifts you need to create a body transformation that lasts and to develop a longevity mindset. Listen now!

567: How to Become Unstoppable in 2024 Series: Intro: How Health & Fitness Saved My Life

In this Intro episode of the "How To Become Unstoppable In 2024 Series", Ted talks about the profound impact of health and fitness in his life after the tragic loss of his mother and brother.  He also shares how focusing on his health helped him regain his zest for life and reshape his vision for the future and how it can transform your life too. Listen now!

Ted Talk 207: The Power Of Gratitude: The Secret Key To Personal Growth And Resilience

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Let’s take a break and reflect on gratitude. In our busy lives, it's easy to overlook its power. Gratitude isn't just a quick thank-you—it's a whole mindset that changes how we see things. In today’s special episode, Ted delves into the profound impact of gratitude, sharing personal insights and experiences that have shaped his journey. Listen now!

Success Story: How Our Client Aoife Went From Working Out Hard And Feeling Exhausted To Working Out Smart And Feeling Energetic And Ready To Live Her Best Life

Meet Aoife, a successful executive coach and healthcare consultant from who struggled to maintain a stronger and fitter body while growing her career and taking care of her loved ones. After joining our program Aoife shifted her goal to body composition, achieving a stronger, fitter, and yes – sexier body, while shedding 8 pounds of fat, has more energy and vitality to dominate her day, her back pain is gone, she has a younger and pain-free body, feels more confident, ready to travel the world and live her best life. Listen now!
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