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15: Kelly Marceau: Part 1: What Sexy-Counscioulsly Awake Women Want Sexually for Men

14: Kimanzi Constable: How to Lose Weight and Change Your Life

In this episode, you will learn: • How to live your dream life • Why it's not diet and exercise - it's a lifestyle • Why your mindset is key to success - from getting in shape to building the life you want • Why taking it one day at a time is the best approach to getting in shape • Why we all have "failures" and what to do about it • How he incorporates strength training, Tae Kwon Do and aerobic exercise to get results • How he got great results with portion control and basic nutrition principles • Why getting in shape was part of a bigger picture that made him more successful in general

13: Brian St. Pierre: Part 2: 5 Ways to improve your nutrition today

In this episode, you will learn: Busted: The truth behind nutrition myths, Does intermittent fasting work - and is it healthy, What Brian thinks about IIFYM and MUCH more. Listen now.

12: Brian St.Pierre: Part 1: 5 Ways to improve your nutrition today

In this episode you will learn: 5 Ways to improve your nutrition today, Forget calorie counting: Try this secret to manage your portions, The best time to take your protein shake and MUCH more. Listen now.
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