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138: The Power Of Sleep with Dr. Kirk Parsley

In this episode, you'll learn: Sleep and hormones. What's the connection?, Why sleep isn't a luxury, The #1 key to getting a good night of sleep and MUCH more. Listen Now.

Ask Ted 81: How to Become A Successful Personal Trainer and How To Evaluate Health Information On the Internet

Want to grow your personal training business? Listen to this episode and find out powerful tips from successful trainer and entrepreneur Ted Ryce! Listen Now.

Ask Ted 80: 5 Reasons Why You Should Do Aerobic Exercise

Regardless of age, weight or athletic ability, aerobic exercise is good for you. See why — then prepare yourself to get moving. Learn 5 key benefits of performing cardio right here! Listen Now!

137: Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson: The Science Of Breaking Bad Eating Habits

In this episode, you'll learn: What is Bright Line Eating, Is overeating an addiction, How to break bad eating habits and MUCH more. Listen Now!
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