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Special Bonus: FREE 4-Week Core Workout

If you’re reading this blog post, it’s because you signed up for my list and you want to live a Legendary Life. You already know that […]

Ask Ted 87: 5 Steps To Build Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is how you appear to the world. If you're looking to build your personal brand, here are five ways to go about it. Listen Now!

145: Alex Viada: The Quest For Complete Human Performance

In this episode, you'll learn: What does healthy look like?, 3 Ways to make your heart stronger, The two most important parts of training and MUCH more. Listen now!

Ask Ted 86: Is Organic Food Worth The Money & How To Bust Through Your Pull Up Plateau

In this episode, you'll learn: Is Organic Food Worth The Money, What to do when you hit a plateau in your pull up workout and MUCH more. Listen Now!
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